Today was my last day of school/work. Although I haven't been counting the days, I have to admit that I have been looking forward to this day. It feels good knowing that there's no pressure, especially for time.
On my drive to work this morning another thought occurred to me... we did it! My son and I made it through a whole school year. I know we had some help along the way, but we made it on our own. I first thought about how proud I was of my son for how great he has adjusted and how great he has been in general. But, I have to admit that I am proud of myself too. There were a few bumps in the road (getting sick and locking myself out of the house) but they really were few and far between.

Summer vacation has officially begun and I have so much to look forward to. I am leaving Sunday to spend some time with my family (and to attend my high school reunion, agh!) before we head out to the Adirondaks for a few days. Before I know it, it will be August and will be on my way to California. I am also looking forward to days at the beach, aquarium, zoo, botanical garden, park, Sesame Place, play dates, real dates, time with my girlfriends, and events that have yet to be planned. Happy Summer!
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