Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Climbing Back on to the Turnip Truck

So it’s 7:15 on a Tuesday night and instead of a date that I prematurely set with a man to follow a lunch date yesterday, I am sitting in a bar about a block away from my apartment.  I’m sitting here with my laptop and my freshly manicured fingers typing away.  My pretzel-crumbed plate is staring at me as I wish there were more to pick at, but atleast I still have my glass of Stella Artois to keep me company.  I got a good set up here, at my little table.  I’ve got 45 minutes to kill before I head home and relieve my babysitter’s three-hour shift.  I feel like a New Yorker… I’m feeling good right now, like I used to when I was enjoying the present moment and not worrying about the future.

What happened?  When did I fall off of that wagon?  I was right when I posted not too long ago that my main goal in this new phase of my life is to maintain what I have worked so hard at building.  I am currently searching for a bead to add to my bracelet to represent that.  I became cocky.  I just one day woke up and decided that I didn’t need any more life lessons, I had had enough.  Well, life didn’t see it that way and I have felt the repercussions of my arrogance since. 

[I wish this bar had peanuts.]

I have decided that I let things become stagnant.  I stopped trying new things and putting myself out there.  I became semi-obsessed with controlling the uncontrollable and like I posted yesterday, I really did hit a low.  So last night, I decided that I am officially taking myself offline (dating).  I need to not use that as my crutch to try different avenues.  So also last night, I joined 3 new meet-up groups (www.meetup.com:  There’s a group for e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g! lol).  I joined a singles board game group.  They meet every other Tuesday and at a bar in Manhattan.  Cool!  It could be cool to meet someone special there, but even if I don’t, I am sure to meet new people and maybe even make some new friends!  I just got accepted to become a member of this group today, so I will have to wait until the 26th to go.  I’m excited!

The second group that I joined I am quite sure I will NOT find a date at.  It’s a belly dancer group!!!  I have absolutely NO rhythm or moves at all whatsoever!  But… I have wanted for some time to join some kind of dance program (ballroom, salsa, belly) and it took me until yesterday to actually do it.  I have already RSVP’d  to next Wednesday’s class.  I am hoping to coax a friend to coming with me, but even if not, I am still going and I am very excited about this one!

My final group is a mommy book and wine club.  I have wanted to join a book club since my own flopped nearly two years ago.  This group meets only once a month and they are located very close to home.  Did I mention you need to bring a bottle of wine to each meeting?!?  :)    Again, won’t be meeting any men there, but I really am not that man-obsessed.  I would like to network, meet new people, etc. 

I also spoke to my friend who is a kickboxer today.  I wanted to start an offical class, but opted to run at the park (free!) during September and October.  It is officially super cold out and there is no way, my little behind will be running in the cold, dark months of winter.  I hope to go 2x a week immediately after work where I can leave my son at day care and pick him up by 5.  

If I can pull that off, go the board game nights 2x a month, belly dancing 2x a month, the book club once a month, and go out with girlfriends atleast once a month, I will be a happy camper.  Notice that there is not one mention of a date!?!  If it happens, it happens.  But I need to keep busy with things that will help me to grow and to stay happy! 

I have to admit, 2013 has not been an easy year.  There’s no comparison to the horror and trauma of 2011, but still… it has not been easy.  It’s time to get the ball rolling.  First to start off my new age of 35 (in less than 1 month, agh!!) and the new year! 

P.S.   The bar tender is super cute and could put on quite the gun show.  ;)  I guess I should atleast smile, right?  (I’m so bad at this! Lol)

P.S.S.  I came home at 8:00 to find that my son was already asleep… :)

It's a good night.  

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