Saturday, September 1, 2012


I have been hit with a bout of exhaustion.  I knew that my vacation to California plus the addition of several extra days spent at my parents' house equated to over two weeks away from home.  Two weeks away from the routine, which frankly, my son and I thrive on.  Well, I knew it was going to take its toll.  But I have been home for well over a week now and I am still beat.

Mental exhaustion.

It hit me the first day we arrived in San Francisco.  My brother left and went to a Giants' baseball game and it was just my son and I alone.  Again.  I knew going into this trip that I wasn't going to spend a lot of time with my brother and that was fine.  I know how to navigate and be resourceful even in unknown places.  However, I have to admit that taking care of a toddler who is in (a mild form of, I think?) the terrible threes, in a foreign place, with a disrupted sleep, eat, and play schedule was difficult.  I had no outlet except for the 45 minutes one day that my brother took my son into the hotel pool.  Other than that, I was literally with him for 24/7 x 10.  We even slept together, lol!  Now don't get me wrong.  I love that little booger more than anything.  We had a wonderful time and I would do it again in a heartbeat.  But, I had to be on nonstop and it was draining.  

So, I think that along with this time of year being hard to begin with (see Round Two) has just left me in a sort of funk.  I have to admit that I have had a few other things on my mind as well and that just adds to it.  Well, I am tired of being tired and I am ready to be back to me.  I need to start going back to the gym, eating healthier, writing more, and making sure that I am keeping in touch with my friends and family every day.  It can get isolating and lonely.  I am happy that I know what I need and it really isn't much.  Excuses aren't really an option.  :)

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