Thursday, October 24, 2013

Slow and Not So Steady

Slow... that pretty much sums up my pace for the past few weeks.  I've been sick and I don't feel as if I am steadily getting better. 

Now, it's nothing serious and I am very grateful for that.  It began with allergies and then turned into a sinus infection which caused laryngitis and after a week of antibiotics, I am left with a lingering cough and allergy symptoms once again and the cycle continues.  What this equates for me is total exhaustion.  Ugh...

My health, my energy... I rely on that so much, not just to accomplish all that I need to do in a day, but for my mental health as well.  I enjoy physical activities and exercising.  I enjoy being on the go and not getting stuck in a humdrum weekday routine.  I have lots to do at home... not only household chores, but more importantly spending time and giving my son attention.  I have work to do and that I often bring home to work on at night.  I am a busy lady and I am really good at handling my many hats... but I just haven't been able to lately.  It's frustrating.  I feel crappy because of being sick, but also because I am not up to par with accomplishing that I am used to being able to do. 

My energy started dropping in the beginning of this month and now October is nearly over.  It's frustrating that it is taking so long to recoup. 

I'm whining, I know.  And I hate, hate, hate whining.  So I have decided that I really need to start being proactive or atleast I need to try something.  I have been wanting to change my diet (not drastically, but to eat healthier... adding in more proteins and veggies into my daily chows) and along with that I think I need to think about natural supplements to help boost my immune system.  It's only October, there's a long winter season ahead of me!  I really can't afford to get sick and I don't have the luxury of taking some time for myself to recover. 

So I am crabby.  I look awful.  I feel awful.  But, the good thing is that I know I will feel better.  When I do count my blessings, I do think about my health.  It's times like these when I really appreciate how lucky that I am that I am a healthy person.  There are so many people who have to deal with real issues of health and disease on a daily basis.  It's draining and it seems cruel and unfair.  I know... I've seen people I love lose battles from sicknesses, my husband of course, my uncle, my grandmother, and even my dogs... <3.

Perhaps I just need to count my health twice when I am counting my blessings.  And I am hoping that since I have finally found the extra time and sprinkle of energy to blog, that I am atleast on the track of feeling better once again.

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