Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Professor

Ahhh... The Professor.  Dr. Alluring.  The very intelligent, sophisticated, tall, blonde, blue eyed sexy man complete with an accent... that one, well I had to say "auf wiedersehen" to him the other day.  :(

He was indeed very alluring as he was very much the person that I had wanted to date.  I knew full well that didn't mean that he was the right person for me, but he did hit all the marks on my (shallow) wish list.  He was also the man that inspired the posts "Be Careful What You Wish For" and "The Poll."

In all fairness he was much more than my shallow list.  I really liked him and I wanted to get to know him better.  But he was guarded and somewhat closed off as he didn't get too personal.  That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, especially at first, because I didn't want to get too personal myself.  But I had met him at the end of July.  Then came my three week vacation, a hard time syncing schedules, and a week long business trip for him and voila, we saw each other 3 times in two months with very little communication in between. 

I liked him immediately, but as I posted previously, that feeling, that feeling, never struck me with him.  I had hoped that I would and as I got to know him more it would reveal itself to me.  But I never got to really know him and that doubt was always there.  That doubt was also there too because I was very cautious with him.  I was cautious because he was that man that I wanted to date and I didn't want to get caught up in that because I was very well aware that what I really want is so much more than that silly list.  I had wondered if my cautiousness was part of the problem.  Looking back on it now, I think it was partly my gut feeling... and it was right.

Two weeks ago, I told him that I liked him, but that I was very disappointed in how little I knew him after two months.  I asked if he felt too busy with work or if he had lost interest, etc. hoping to spark an honest response.  All I got was that he wanted to see me when he got back from his business trip.  And I told myself to trust that if he wants to see me, he will make it happen and I didn't pursue.  Needless to say, he didn't make it happen.

On Monday, I said goodbye.  I told him I felt like he wasn't interested and I was walking.  He responded, sounded somewhat confused.  I responded back with what was pretty much the conversation (textation) I had with Jesse at the very end.  He did text me yesterday to tell me that he was preoccupied with the business he is starting up and that he was limited with his time.  In all honesty, that's what I believed it to be, as opposed to someone else.

But is it bad timing yet again!?!?  I think that I believe now that there is never the perfect time, but the right time is the exact time that you are together in the moment.  You need to make it happen regardless of the outside factors.  As long as the interest and desire is mutually strong and you are both willing to make it work, you just have to do it.

What I took from my experience with him...
  • I am capable of attracting a man that I want.  
  • I think that for me, that feeling is one that I will have right away.
  • I need a man that I can describe as warm.
  • Google tells me that German men are rated the worst in bed... unfortunately I cannot state my opinion on that, but he was by far the best kisser.  I think Google may be wrong!
  • An intelligent, sophisticated man isn't any better or smarter than the average joe when it comes to women and dating.
  • I am really ready to find him.  Really.

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