Thursday, March 15, 2012

Team Edward

First off, I have to say that I am extremely proud of my son.  I think the world of him and I would do anything necessary to ensure that he is healthy, inlcuding happy.  At the same time though, I am not one of those parents who believes that their child is perfect (only in my eyes of course) and can do no wrong.  But, my son is a cute kid.  He's a happy kid.  And he apparently has this auroa that makes people smile when they see him.  I think he is beautiful because he is my son, but I have also tried to look at him as an outsider, and I have to agree, there is something about him that can put a smile on anyone's face.  Having said all that, let me share this funny story with you...

Tuesday was a gorgeous day here in New York City.  So when I came to pick my son up from day care, he was outside playing.  As I approached the door, I could see the little kids running around and one caught my attention and I said to myself, "Whoa, who is that kid?  He's hot for such a little guy."  A half a second later, I realized that he was my son, lol.  My son is blonde haired and blue-eyed.  His hair has a natural curl to it and because it was hot out, he was sweaty.  His hair curled and was messy, it made him look like Robert Pattinson, aka Edward (from Twilight).  Well, the hair and the fact that my son was also wearing a black pea coat and jeans that day.  He didn't look like a two and a half year old, he looked like... a little man!

But the story continues.  The following morning, I droppped him off at school.  As soon as we walked into the classroom, an adorable little girl from his class jumped up and started to shout out his name.  She ran up to my son and started to take his jacket off for him, lol.  Apparently she is on "Team Edward." 

My son is a sweetheart, but he is also a little flirt.  He has the strangest flirting tactics and I laugh at him and think he is a dork.  But, it works!  I know, I know, he's only two.  But he has his teacher, his babysitter, and other random women, like waitresses, all wrapped around his tiny little, baby finger.  The funny thing is, he knows it!  He pours the charm on!  Where he gets it, I have no idea.  I'm not like that and his father wasn't either, lol. 

I love having a little boy.  I'm sure that if I had a little girl, I would say the same about loving having a girl.  But, I don't.  So boy it is.  One of the things that I love best about having a son is the the pressure-filled responsibility of raising a man.  I want him to be a good man.  I want him to treat everyone fairly and equally and hold no prejudices against others.  But, I also want him to especially treat women the way we deserve to be treated.  I have some time, I know.  But the learning starts early.  He may be a heartthrob, but I will do my best to make sure that if he in fact ever has to break any hearts, it will be with kindess and dignity. 

Oh, boy!

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