Monday, January 6, 2014

Back to Normal

After 16 days (minus the one day I had to go in last week) off of work and after 5 days off of being mommy, things are back to normal and I have to admit, if feels... great!

I love the perks of being a teacher.  The time off for the holidays and during the summer to spend with my family is awesome and invaluable.  As I shared in a previous post, I had a great Christmas spent with my family and when I returned back home, I did so without my son, giving me an extra 5 days off in a completely different way.

This past week at home, all by myself, I was completely lazy.  Completely.  Besides taking down the Christmas tree, I did very little.  I didn't catch up on anything.  I didn't work out.  I didn't check things off of my "To Do" list.  I didn't even blog.  I did go out at night a few times (more on that in a later post!), but during the day and on the nights I didn't go out, I lounged.   I am not one who looks forward to "time off" to catch up sleep or tv or just to be lazy and lounge.  When I get "free time" I prefer to go out and do things that I cannot do or that are more difficult to do with my son.  However, it was so darn cold out.  Typically, shopping would sound fun, but not at the end of December, not for me.   I am all shopped out and out of money at this time of year.  So, lazy lounging for me it was.  I tried to make the best of it as it is something that I don't typically get to do.  Don't get me wrong, it was nice and I did enjoy it. 

I hated sleeping alone in my apartment without my son.  It's not like he's the protective man of the house, lol... but he does add comfort, which I missed.  Being the first time alone in my apartment without him, I was a bit... honestly?  Spooked.  I even slept with a light on.  Perhaps I planted the seed myself, but there was one night that I had a frightening dream.  It did involve Dale and it freaked me out.  It was the first time that I had a dream such as that and it was unsettling.  :(

But... my son returned Saturday.  He was so excited to see me, which made my heart burst.  He had lots and lots of hugs and kisses and stories to tell me.  It was wonderful!  We spent all day yesterday playing and catching up and today... it was back to school and work.  Everything is back to normal.

I like normalcy.  I don't like to get into such a routine that everything becomes hum drum and mundane.  However, I have to admit that I do thrive on a certain amount of routine and structure.  It helps me to keep busy and moving.  I don't like to lazily lounge.  I feel that's wasted time and time is too precious to waste in that way.  Besides... how am I supposed to keep up with all that I want to accomplish in this new year if I'm sitting on my bootie?  ;)

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