I have not been shy with sharing my new love affair with landscape photography. I don't know how to describe it, to me it just breathes fresh air into my face. Fresh, clean, sweet, and cold. The kind of air that gets into you and dances with your soul. Getting lost in the simple beauty of nature has made me feel a kind of happiness that is just as simple and genuine as the vision itself.
Thank you Las Vegas for connecting me with a therapeutic art that I never would have sought out on my own. In a past post, I shared
Peter Lik and some of my favorite pieces of his photography collection. Today, I want to share with you Jeff Mitchum. His gallery was actually the first that I visited in Las Vegas, so I really fell in love with him first. He is not unfamiliar to this blog as I have used one of his pieces, Third Day, as an opening for my post, "
Baggage." But today, you will get more.
I have not traveled as much as I would like to. I have always had a thing for Europe. I love the land and the architecture. I've been to England and Scotland and absolutely loved it. The castles were phenomenal and the view of the rolling green land in Scotland atop the Salisbury Crags, absolutely breathtaking. When I think of big trips, Europe, is what always comes to mind first.
What I always failed to realize is how beautiful the United States is. We do not have the ancient architecture as other countries, but the land has so much to offer. It is so diverse and boasts such natural beauty. When I was looking at the books in the galleries, each photograph had an inscription with a little story and location. I was amazed that the majority of the photos that took my breath away were right here!
Jeff Mitchum |
Google Images, lol |
This photo is called "Bridge to Romance." It is really called Maltnomah Falls and it's located just outside of Portland, Oregon.
I am going to visit these falls.
In September, I have a four day weekend. I am in the middle of planning a trip to Gig Harbor, which is just south of Seattle. It is a small town on the water full of art and surrounded by beauty. It's supposedly one of the best small towns to visit in the United States. So, my plan is to stay in Gig Harbor and to drive down for the day to visit these falls. I am hoping that this trip will not be a solo one. But, if it works out that my only option is to go alone, I know that is something that I can do and would feel comfortable in doing. I just want to have this experience and there are so many more that I want, so why wait?
Well as promised, here are some more photos by Jeff Mitchum. I hope you enjoy them and can find the simple beauty in them as well.
Odysea |
Radiant Wonder |
The Man |
Three Brothers |
P.S. I have a bead to remind me to always look for and appreciate the simple beauty. :)
It's called Silver Mountain and it did remind me of a refreshing mountain view, much like in "The Man" (above).
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