Sunday, June 16, 2013

In Honor Of...

Father's Day is the first biggie of the cycle of events that passes each year.  This year is already my son's third Father's Day without his father.  It's so hard to believe that we are moving into year three, especially when they only had one Father's Day together. 

Our Father's Day tradition has been to plant flower seeds.  I like that my son gets to watch the process of the plants growing and eventually turning into flowers.  We take special care of them as they are Daddy's.  We always visit the cemetery near my husband's birth date and that is when we transplant the flowers that we have grown and cared for and leave them with him.  I like this tradition.  I like how special days are connected and how we get to watch life grow and take form as time goes by. 

This year was also a bit more special in our celebration of this day.  The past two years, my son and I have spent it at the park.  We've kept it simple and intimate... feeding the ducks, playing soccer, picnicking, and just enjoying the outdoors.  This year, today, we went to the zoo.  The Bronx Zoo has a special dinosaur exhibit.  My husband loved dinosaurs.  From a child to an adult, he always had a thing for them.  His degree was in biological anthropology and the summer before I met him, he had gone on an archaeological dig in Europe.  He actually found a body and I have photos of him on this excavation.  I say all of this because the dinosaur exhibit also had an excavation site for the children.  My son, who loves to dig, was immediately drawn to this.   I have pictures and video of this and its just one of those special moments, those special events where I can see and feel a connection between father and son and what better day to have this happen on.  

I miss him. 

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